It isn't the easiest time for us at the moment, Hunky Husband has been temping as a painter and decorator since his local company went bust last year as part of the recession. Five months working for a company in Ashburton was showing promise for a permanent position but then nothing. Changing recruitment companies, he then found work in Christchurch but now that has dried up too. Thankfully when Hunky Husband sold his Harley Davidson, the money was squirreled away in the bank so the bills are still being paid while he is 'on leave'. However, he may not be gainfully employed this week but idle he has not been either. After six months, the internet cable that has laid like a dormant black serpent upon the lawn, has now been laid to rest beneath the green carpet. The extension to the poultry enclosure has been extended virtically in an attempt to keep Houdini, Blackie and Ben within, although Houdini, ever honourable to her name was on the loose again this afternoon in the paddock. And today, the Three Amigos were treated with a new pond.
water garden wasn't all that it was cracked up to be without a pump and so donated it for the watery amusement of the Three Amigos and they were dutifully grateful. Originally they had a dirt pond but it had begun to seep oil from vehicles that had long since been parked in the vacinity. Suspecting it hazardous to their health, the plastic pond would work a treat. Hunky Husband swung on the shovel and it was loaded into the ground and set to overflow into a dirt pond away from the area that was developing the oilslick. Once filled with water it didn't take long for the nosey chickens to investigate the disturbed soil and then the Three Amigos checked out their new watery playground.
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