Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A 'RatBag' in Pink

This is the bonnet of the 'RatBag', it's a vinyl wrap done by a wee company in Woodend, 'Motivation Design'. Murray and Coral are an awesome team and I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. After describing what I wanted, they created the essence of it perfectly. The rear window is done in a product called Window Vision and is a product with tiny holes that reduce the UV light by almost 90% and also reduces the heat from the sun, good on folk like me with very little hair.
The RatBag is still under construction. My builder 'Phil Crocker Builder' from Southbridge had the joyous task of making the farm 'tail'gates and will be installing a new centre console in the next day or two. He'll be very pleased that he got out of making the louvres that were originally planned for the back window. His next task will be the top box so watch this space.

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