Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Ratbag evolves

Notice the deck is now black
It's been a while but slowly and surely the 'Ratbag', as my truck is affectionatley known, is evolving, not only with my own ideas but with the input of my Hunky Hubby, along with the folk that assist me in the work.  The latest of which has been the powder coating, one wheel at a time, the front nudgebar and then the new flame window winders.  It's really coming together.  I hadn't intended on pinking up the nudgebar but Marge from Action Powder Coating thought it would look pretty cool and I have to confess she was right.  There had been a bit of discussion about the deck and we finally decided to change if from the natural Maple finish to that of charcoal, so it too looks black.
Check out those sexy pink rims
The powder coated wheels look awesome, these too were a difficult decision as I thought the entire wheel in pink would be too much but then just the half inch outer rim wouldn't be worthwhile considering the amount of work for Conrad at Action Powder Coating.  I'm pleaseed I took the gamble as I think they have turned out wicked.  The pink lidded top box has also been added which looks super cool.  We had been concerned about the first warrant with the wooden tailgates but we didn't need to worry, it flew through with both the gates and the wing mirrors.  Being in a class as a service vehicle we were allowed the extra width on the mirrors, just as well.

The only other warrant issue was the auxillary lights on the front. Negotiation arose as to whether they need to be able to be operated separate of the headlights and because they weren't wired on and individual loom, we removed them for te warrant. Following the pass, we were informed that as long as they operated with the full beam only, they didn't require an independant on/off switch so Hunky Hubby set too and put them back on and wired them up again,.

Tickled pink nudgebar and wheels